“We can only achieve our climate goals by centering our approach with the most vulnerable communities, guided by our three pillars of equity, engagement, and education.”
— Marta Segura, MPH, Chief Heat Officer & CEMO Director

Core Functions (CEMO)
1. Climate Community Engagement and Events
Facilitate the voices of the broader LA community and its frontline voices through Community Assemblies and the Climate Emergency Mobilization Commission. Innovate governance strategies to lift the voices of communities to shape equitable solutions.
2. Equitable Climate Policy
Coordinate and collaborate with City, County, and State leaders across various departments to achieve equitable climate goals and policies that will address our climate crisis, and work for everyone in alignment with LA’s Green New Deal.
3. Heat Relief 4 LA
Lead the implementation of the City’s Heat Action Plan, and work closely with the Emergency Management Department, Public Works, and City Planning to coordinate how the City adapts to increasing heatwaves and droughts, as these are the primary climate hazards for Los Angeles.
4. Climate Emergency Mobilization Commission
The Commission guides and advises the City Council to create equitable climate policy and as such, is a governance body that is independent from the Board of Public Works and CEMO.

Photo by Hannah Benet
How CEMO Engages With Communities Across Los Angeles
- We develop meaningful engagement and civic-led governance strategies to shape equitable climate policies & investments.
- We coordinate and collaborate with City leaders, Departments, and Bureaus to bring an equity lens to LA’s Green New Deal, to engage and mobilize efforts to achieve our equitable climate goals.
- We create and deliver community co-designed policy reports to our Climate Emergency Mobilization Commission.
- The Director of CEMO also is the designated Executive Director of the Climate Emergency Mobilization Commission and the City’s Chief Heat Officer. This linkage allows our office and leadership to coordinate resources and collaborate with leaders, Departments, and Bureaus across the City.

Los Angeles’ first-ever Climate Emergency Mobilization Office (CEMO) was placed inside Public Works and is responsible for coordinating with the Mayor’s Office, City Council and community leaders to meet the commitments of LA's Green New Deal by collaborating with city bureaus and departments. CEMO works to identify and enact equitable climate strategies and policies to prevent, mitigate, and undo impacts from unequal pollution burdens and disinvestments from our past, and to ensure that we prioritize frontline communities to have a strong voice in policy and decision-making in the City of Los Angeles, with the support and engagement of our broader LA communities. Equity is a throughline for all of our climate work and policy development.
In 2022, we launched the Climate Equity LA Series, the Climate Emergency Mobilization Commission, and the Heat Relief 4 LA Campaign. We have simultaneously been expanding our new office, our networks and partnerships.
In an expansion of her current role as the CEMO Director, Marta Segura had the honor of recently being designated as the City of LA’s first Chief Heat Officer, only the 6th in the world with that role. This new role focuses our work on extreme heat mitigation and heat disaster preparedness, while coordinating with the Emergency Management Department and Public Works to improve our City infrastructure for heat and climate adaptation to the ever-increasing heat waves. We have much more to do and are determined to address our most vulnerable communities, as they are the most affected by climate change and heat. Prioritizing these communities is necessary to achieving our climate goals. We must lift all boats for LA to overcome its climate crisis.
Email: CEMO-Office@lacity.org
200 N Spring Street, Room 361
Los Angeles, CA 90012-4801
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